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The Wood Dragon

Year of the Dragon

In the Chinese Zodiac, each year is associated with one of the 12 animals.

These animals, along with the years they correspond to, are:

  1. Rat: 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032, ...
  2. Ox: 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033, ...
  3. Tiger: 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034, ...
  4. Rabbit: 1999, 2011, 2023, 2035, ...
  5. Dragon: 2000, 2012, 2024, 2036, ...
  6. Snake: 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037, ...
  7. Horse: 2002, 2014, 2026, 2038, ...
  8. Goat (or Sheep): 2003, 2015, 2027, 2039, ...
  9. Monkey: 2004, 2016, 2028, 2040, ...
  10. Rooster: 2005, 2017, 2029, 2041, ...
  11. Dog: 2006, 2018, 2030, 2042, ...
  12. Pig: 2007, 2019, 2031, 2043, ...

For example, if you were born in 1990, you would be born in the year of the Horse if your birthday falls before the Chinese New Year, which usually falls between late January and mid-February. If your birthday falls after the Chinese New Year, you would belong to the previous animal sign. So, if you were born in January or February of 1990, you would be a Snake, but if you were born later in the year, you would be a Horse.

Dragon design; ZenDeezign

Leap Year - Dragon

People born in the Chinese zodiac year of the Wood Dragon, according to Chinese astrology, are believed to possess unique characteristics influenced by the Dragon and the element of Wood.

Here are some typical features associated with individuals born in this astrological sign:

  1. Assertiveness: The Dragon is known for its strong, assertive nature, and those born under this sign tend to exhibit these traits. They are often confident and assertive in their actions and decisions.
  2. Idealism: With the influence of the Wood element, Wood Dragons can be particularly idealistic. They may have strong beliefs and principles that guide their actions and decisions.
  3. Creativity: Wood Dragons often possess a creative and innovative mindset. They may excel in artistic pursuits or have a knack for thinking outside the box.
  4. Ambition: Dragons are ambitious creatures, and Wood Dragons are no exception. They tend to have lofty goals and aspirations, and they are willing to work hard to achieve them.
  5. Leadership: Wood Dragons are natural leaders. They have a magnetic personality that draws others to them, and they often find themselves in leadership positions.
  6. Adaptability: The Wood element brings a sense of flexibility and adaptability to the Dragon's personality. Wood Dragons can navigate through various situations and challenges with ease.
  7. Generosity: Despite their strong personalities, Wood Dragons are often generous and compassionate individuals. They are willing to lend a helping hand to those in need and are known for their philanthropic efforts.
  8. Temperament: While generally confident and assertive, Wood Dragons can also have a temperamental side. They may be prone to bouts of moodiness or impatience, especially when things don't go according to plan.
  9. Independence: Wood Dragons value their independence and autonomy. They prefer to carve out their path in life rather than conform to others' expectations.
  10. Charm: Wood Dragons have a charismatic charm that makes them naturally attractive to others. They have a way of captivating people with their presence and charisma.

It's important to remember that while these traits may be common among individuals born in the year of the Wood Dragon, everyone is unique, and other factors such as upbringing, environment, and individual experiences also play a significant role in shaping a person's personality.

Your Fortune

Predictions for each of the 12 animals of the Chinese Horoscope for the Year of the Wood Dragon:

  1. Rat: This year will bring opportunities for Rat individuals to showcase their talents and abilities. Hard work and determination will lead to success in both personal and professional endeavors.
  2. Ox: Oxen can expect a year of stability and growth. Focus on building strong foundations in all aspects of life, and avoid unnecessary risks.
  3. Tiger: Tigers should embrace change and adaptability this year. New opportunities will arise, but it's essential to stay flexible and open-minded to make the most of them.
  4. Rabbit: Rabbits may face some challenges this year, but perseverance and patience will help overcome obstacles. Stay focused on long-term goals and prioritize self-care.
  5. Dragon: As the ruling sign of the year, Dragons will experience positive energy and opportunities for growth. This is a great time to pursue ambitious goals and expand your horizons.
  6. Snake: Snakes should trust their intuition and instincts this year. Pay attention to your inner voice when making decisions, and avoid getting caught up in unnecessary drama.
  7. Horse: Horses may encounter some ups and downs this year, but overall, it will be a year of progress and development. Stay disciplined and focused on your goals to achieve success.
  8. Goat/Sheep: Goats should focus on nurturing relationships and building a strong support network this year. Collaborating with others will lead to greater success and fulfillment.
  9. Monkey: Monkeys can expect a dynamic and exciting year ahead. Embrace your creativity and curiosity, and don't be afraid to take calculated risks to achieve your goals.
  10. Rooster: Roosters should prioritize organization and planning this year. Pay attention to details and stay disciplined in your approach to achieve success in both personal and professional endeavors.
  11. Dog: Dogs may face some challenges this year, but staying true to your values and principles will help overcome obstacles. Lean on your support system for guidance and encouragement.
  12. Pig: Pigs can expect a year of abundance and prosperity. Focus on financial stability and personal growth, and don't hesitate to seize opportunities as they arise.


Your Ascending Animal

In Chinese culture, the Chinese zodiac is deeply ingrained, influencing everything from personal relationships to business decisions. The zodiac is comprised of twelve animals, each representing a year in a twelve-year cycle.

These animals are; Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. Each animal is believed to possess certain characteristics that are said to influence the personalities and destinies of individuals born under its sign.

One intriguing aspect of the Chinese zodiac is the concept of ascending predictions, which can provide additional insights into one's character and prospects. The ascending animal, also known as the "inner animal" or "secret animal," is determined by the hour of birth in addition to the year, month, and day. This adds another layer of complexity to the traditional zodiac readings, allowing for a more nuanced understanding of an individual's traits and potential.

To calculate your ascending animal, you need to know the exact time of your birth. Each two-hour period in the Chinese zodiac corresponds to one of the twelve animals. For example, the Rat represents the hours of 11 p.m. to 1 a.m., while the Ox represents 1 a.m. to 3 a.m., and so on. By matching the time of birth with the corresponding animal, you can determine your ascending animal.

Once you've identified your ascending animal, you can explore its significance in conjunction with your primary zodiac sign. While your primary sign reflects your outward personality and traits, your ascending animal offers insights into your inner self and hidden tendencies. For example, someone born in the year of the Rabbit with an ascending Tiger may exhibit the Rabbit's gentleness and sensitivity outwardly but possess the Tiger's assertiveness and leadership qualities internally.

Choosing your ascending animal in the Chinese zodiac can be a deeply personal process. Some people may resonate more strongly with the characteristics of their ascending animal, finding that it provides a more accurate reflection of their true selves. Others may find value in understanding how their ascending animal influences their relationships, career choices, and overall life path.

In addition to individual self-reflection, ascending predictions can also be used in compatibility assessments, career guidance, and decision-making processes. By gaining a deeper understanding of your inner animal, you can harness its strengths and navigate life's challenges with greater insight and confidence.

Overall, the concept of ascending predictions adds richness and depth to the traditional Chinese zodiac system, offering a more holistic understanding of individuals and their destinies. Whether you're exploring your own ascending animal or delving into the intricacies of Chinese astrology, the journey promises to be enlightening and rewarding.

In the Chinese zodiac, each hour of the day is associated with one of the twelve animals in the following order:

  1. Rat (子 - Zǐ) - 11:00 pm to 1:00 am
  2. Ox (丑 - Chǒu) - 1:00 am to 3:00 am
  3. Tiger (寅 - Yín) - 3:00 am to 5:00 am
  4. Rabbit (卯 - Mǎo) - 5:00 am to 7:00 am
  5. Dragon (辰 - Chén) - 7:00 am to 9:00 am
  6. Snake (巳 - Sì) - 9:00 am to 11:00 am
  7. Horse (午 - Wǔ) - 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
  8. Goat/Sheep (未 - Wèi) - 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
  9. Monkey (申 - Shēn) - 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
  10. Rooster (酉 - Yǒu) - 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
  11. Dog (戌 - Xū) - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
  12. Pig (亥 - Hài) - 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm

These animals are also associated with specific years in the Chinese zodiac cycle, but their influence over hours in a day is less well-known compared to the yearly cycle.

Images: ZenDeezign